Ever since I can remember my grandma has been a good friend to me. My middle name is Beth and I was always so proud that I was named after her. I think it gave us a special bond right from the beginning. So, memories of Grandma...
- She protected me from Grandpa in his gorilla suit on Halloweens when I was little. I always knew Grandma would keep me safe!
- I remember going camping and boating with Grandma. She would sit at the front of the boat with Grandpa and cheer me on when I would water ski.
- Grandma always had yummy treats that she would bring on those same trips. Usually the treats were some kind of cookie-my favorite was her No Bake Cookies.
- Grandma would make us hot chocolate from her delicious, homemade chocolate syrup and milk. It was the best hot chocolate in the world.
- Grandma and Grandpa gave all of us grandchildren a set of scriptures when we turned 8. Mine were brown and had my name on them.
- Grandma's beautiful roses that were planted outside her house. She loved flowers in general and always had either flowers of plants inside the house on the kitchen table.
- She was an excellent cook. I loved being invited to their house to eat dinner. She always had the table set with a tablecloth and delicious food on it. One of the things I enjoyed most was her tacos.
- She played the piano and had a beautiful alto voice. I remember one time I stayed with them and Grandma listened to me practice for my piano lessons. She encouraged me and taught me that one time quickly through each song wouldn't cut it!
- Grandma collected music boxes and she would wind them up for us when we came over. I loved listening to them.
- Grandma got a sign from someone as a gift that said, "Have you hugged your Grandmother today?" She loved getting hugs from her grandkids and I loved hugging her. She had the best Grandma hug in the world-soft, warm, and gentle.
- I loved Grandma's hands. She was a religious user of lotion and they always smelled very good. Her hands were soft and warm and delicate. I loved to watch how they moved.
- Along with her hands I loved her rings. She wore two rings every time I saw her. One was her wedding ring. It was white gold and beautifully old fashioned. I just loved it. The other was a ring Grandpa bought her for a surprise. I remember she was so happy when she got it and she loved showing it to us. It was also white gold with a row of diamonds in it. Just a week or so before she died I sat on our couch with her and talked about her rings.
- Grandma had a heart operation when I was a junior in high school-about five years ago. She had a five bypass surgery and a valve replaced. I remember seeing her scar and hearing her tell us about the bear they gave her to splint her incision with when she stood up or coughed.
- Grandma also had cancer-a year after her heart operation. I remember I never heard her complain, even though it probably scared her.
- After her heart surgery we started having them to Sunday dinner every Sunday. These became really special times together. We all got really close to grandma and grandpa. I can picture as clear as day the routine of that Sunday dinner. They would come in and Grandma would come and sit at the bar in the kitchen and talk with my mom and me about her week, family news, and what was happening in her life. We would sit down at the table, with me on her left side and we would eat. I enjoyed sitting by her and talking with her at dinner and the bond we have always had was strengthened even more by those dinnertime conversations.
- I remember Grandma was very flexible. Even until she passed away she could touch the ground with flat hands when bending over.
- Grandma and Grandpa started having "Grandchildren Parties" every holiday season between Christmas and New Years. The grandchildren who were close enough would go over for a sleep over with Grandma and Grandpa. We would eat Papa Murphey's pizza, and junk food. We would play games all evening and watch a movie. Then we would sleep downstairs, have breakfast in the morning, and play more games until afternoon. I really cherish those memories of Grandma laughing and watching the games.
- There were other parties during the year: Halloween parties, Thanksgiving get togethers, New Years Eve party, and birthday parties. This last New Years Eve we had a party at their house. I was afraid that it would be too much for Grandma, but she participated in the whole thing and stayed up until almost 1 am. We played "The Newlywed" game. I was the person who asked the questions and Grandma really enjoyed it. It was fun to hear her and Grandpa tell about their first kiss, their most recent date, and other memories.
- Grandma and Grandpa would give us a birthday card with a 5 dollar bill in it for each birthday. Grandma would write on the cards and they are very dear to me now.
- This last Christmas the Christmas gift to the granddaughters (picked out each year by Grandma) was a large bottle of bubble bath. Grandma loved stuff like that: lotion, bubble bath, and jewelry.
- Grandma was always very interested in my life. I think that was something that I really loved about her. She was a very good listener and she encouraged me in everything I was doing. She was so excited to hear about school, nursing, and boys. I felt comfortable telling her just about anything and she rejoiced in my successes and sorrowed with me in my failures or disappointments.
- I came home this last December for her birthday dinner with our family on Sunday. I was in the middle of school, but somehow I felt like it was important for me to be there and that it would make her happy. I am so glad that I did this because it turns out that it was her last birthday.
- I called Grandma when I found out that I would be having lunch with Elder Scott at graduation time. She was so excited for me and we had a nice conversation.
- Grandma wasn't feeling great for the past couple of months, but I really wanted her and Grandpa to make it to my pinning ceremony. I can't really explain why, but I felt like it wouldn't be quite the same without them. It was their anniversary the day of pinning, but they made the effort to drive to Rexburg and were there with me that special evening, made even more special by her being there. The picture above is the two of us at pinning ceremony. She told me that night that she wouldn't have missed it if she had been lying on her death bed. It turns out she really was and I can't even express how grateful I was she was there. Grandma was one of my best supporters and she was so excited for me.
- I took the NCLEX the day she passed away and I felt so bad that I couldn't tell her that I passed. She would have been as excited as anyone else could be for my success.
- She played Clue Charades with our family after Sunday dinner, just a few weeks before she died. She was acting out Micheal Jackson and was getting into it in her cute, funny way. She ended up falling which scared us all, but she wasn't hurt. That is just one memory of her funny sense of humor. It was a quiet sense of humor but she had a way of saying something at just the right moment or pulling a face while Grandpa told us a story that was hilarious.
- Her prayers were simple, quiet expressions of faith and love for her family and the gospel. she would pray for each missionary in our family by name.
- Grandma loved her family so much. I could tell this everyday. A week before she died I was with my mom at her house taking down Christmas decorations. She was discouraged with her lack of energy, but excitedly told us about an engagement and some upcoming babies in the family. Family really was her life.
- I remember her smile. She had a beautiful smile, full of peace and joy. I shall always have a picture of her, it was the last time I saw her alive, two days before she died. She was sitting in her chair looking at me as we left. She smiled and I told her I loved her. She replied I love you with that same smile. What a beautiful picture to have forever.
I really miss her. These memories are just a few of the precious ones I have of her. She was the perfect example of a wife, mother, and grandmother. I hope I can become like her. Our family is experiencing a hole in our life without her. I wanted to be able to tell her about my life in the future: the job I will get, the man I will marry, and the children I will have. It makes me sad to think she won't be around for that. However, and this I know without a doubt, she is around. She will be there in the temple when I get married. She will know my children; she is probably taking care of them right now for me. And most importantly, I will see her again. what comfort that gives me. That is the comfort of the gospel that I learn from being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. I love you, Grandma.

Andrea I am so sorry for your loss. She seems like a beautiful woman. We are so lucky to know people like that in our lives. It's so great that the memory that will stick with you the most will be of her smile. Let me know if you need anything okay? We will be thinking about you.
ReplyDeleteAn this was so wonderful! I loved reading your memories...what a special lady. Hope your doing good, and things are going well for you and your gamily. luv ya