Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Summertime Fun!

Summertime! It is what I live for. Winter is endured, fall is enjoyed, spring is anticipation and summer is fantabulous!!! This is my first summer having a "career" or in other words "a real job". Guess what? You don't get to take the summer off as a nurse! But I have found a way to enjoy myself still and get some fun squeezed in. Actually working 3 twelve hour shifts a week works out rather nice as it leaves most of 4 other days in which to work, play, or weed the garden! Yes my garden still grows. The tomato plant was an utter failure, and my onions died a few weeks ago, but other than that all is thriving. I did actually pull some golf ball sized onions today and I will enjoy those I am sure. Lesson: plant onions deeper and water them more often! :) My roommate planted two tomato plants and then left them to my care to water and weed. They have been remarkably successful and so I believe I will partake of those as freely as if they were my own. Especially because she got married and moved out!

Other summer fun: Early summer kayaking trip with Grandpa's kayaks. Very fun although it was freezing and rained on us!

Random beautiful sunset from my house. It was a Sunday evening and I laid on the grass and enjoyed it all by myself!
Eric came to visit me in Ogden and stayed at my house overnight. I wasn't actually there because I was working but i am sure he had a lovely time with my roommates! Awkward! Sorry Eric! We did go to the pioneer day parade in Ogden and saw this beautiful horse drawn hearse!!!

Eric in front of the Ogden temple. Side note- our stake did a fun service project at the temple, painting the fence, pulling weeds, and deflowering plants. It was fun and it felt good to help beautify the temple grounds!

Eric and me in front of the temple. (I had worked all night, slept 10 minutes and then left to go to the parade so that hopefully explains the exhaustion in my face!)

Eric the cowboy! We rode horses on one of my trips home. It was a lot of fun.

Cameron the cowboy! Poor horse got confused with so many amateur riders!

Preston the cowboy! He looks pretty good up there!

Andrea the cowgirl! I love horses!!! This reminded me of how much fun they are!

This is our Armenian friend Arthur and his daughter Stella. He met my grandparents on their mission to Armenia and they became dear friends. He and his adorable family came for a visit and we had fun riding horses, kayaking, jet skiing, water skiing, and eating delicious Armenian food with them!

Stella was my little friend! Such a sweet girl.

Robert, Stella, and me. Armenians produce beautiful children!

WATER SKIING!!! Love this sport beyond almost any other in the summer. I have been fortunate enough to go several time this summer both at the family reunion, with a friend, and with my family on this trip home! I hope my form is improving!

More water skiing.

We watched Robert and Stella while their parents went to the temple and we did something I haven't done in YEARS! We put the sprinkler under the tramp and jumped! Combine that with silly string and you have a PARTY!

Something else that I really enjoyed on my trip home was running with all three of my brothers in the early morning! I had forgotten how nice early morning runs are in Idaho. It isn't hot like it is in Utah! My brothers are all so handsome and strong runners, so it was a lot of fun!

Last weekend my ward had a super activity at Snowbird Resort in Little Cottonwood Canyon. I was scheduled to work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights and this was to be all day Saturday. I was lucky enough to be able to get Saturday night off. So I worked Friday night, slept 3 hours, drove 1.5 hours and it was totally worth it! We went on a hike, swam, ate, chilled in the condo, danced at a free concert, and ate and swam some more! I drove back home at 10, got home and realized I had been up for over thirty hours with only 3 hours of sleep! I love working nights! This is my cute friend Melody. She is a nurse that graduated from BYUI as well, and she just moved into the ward and got home from her mission to Paraguay! It is fun to have someone with so many similar interests! The lake behind us is Cecret Lake which was our beautiful hike. ( "Cecret" because it was named by a miner who didn't know how to spell! ;)

Another view of the lake.

Pretty wildflowers! Notice I am sporting my BYU sweatshirt. I will be attending hopefully all of the home games this year!!! Go cougar football!!!

We also saw a moose on our hike! I took a picture but it got deleted on here and I am not going to reload it! There were so many people and it was just chillin. That was lucky because moose make me slightly uncomfortable-they are so big and mean!

These are some of the sisters in my ward at the concert that night. Notice the beautiful scenery! Love it!

Totally out of order, but this was the cute flower arrangement I made for the 4th of July!!! We went camping/kayaking in the Tetons for the 4th. Very fun!

What is summer without kittens?! Unfortunately the mama cat has since died as well as one of the orange cats, casualties to the road!

I went to an Asian festival with my friend Wendy! It was fun. The best part was there was a Chinese choir. They sounded really funny. Wendy informed me that because the Chinese language is so tonal it is very difficult to sing. That explained a lot!

These are some of my BYU roommates at a bridal shower for Ashley the girl in the gray with the glasses. It has been a summer of weddings: Ashley, my cousins Brent and Kirk, and my roommate Morgan.

I also got to go to a baby shower for my dear friend Jennifer for her adorable baby boy Tyce. He is such a cutie and it was so nice to be able to see them while they were briefly in Idaho.

Upcoming plans include a trip to Florida in 1 WEEK!!! I am so excited. After that it will probably just be working, try and squeeze in a bike ride/hike or two, hopefully another camping trip, and BYU football games with my brothers! Ahhh...summer you are so good to me!


  1. how fun!!! What an awesome summer....maybe you could squeeze in a trip to AZ.. :) haha Looks like you are having blast! Have a fabulous time in Florida! (Ps, i am so jealous of your garden - i haven't even attempted!)
    luv ya

  2. Looks like you have had such a fun summer! I'm glad to hear you are loving your job, I can't wait to start mine on the 7th. SLC isn't very far from Ogden so we should get together sometime! I would love that because I don't know that many people in Utah :)
